It's the most curious thing I've ever seen in my life!

Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm kinda like you.

Dear Sydney,

I don't really know how to tell you this, but I'm in love with your cat. I think I realized it when I threw up in your sock drawer at the Elton John concert and I saw you sit on my salt-beef bucket. I'm sure you're middle-class enough to understand the middle-east is planning their revenge on you. I'm returning the pictures from Vegas to you, but I'll keep my virginity as a memory. You should also know that I love your sweet, sweet ass and you should get that embarrassing rash checked.

Go milk a cow,

In other news... this weekend was abso-lute-ly ridiculous. I feel like my stage show is starting to be more work than it's worth, at least right now while I am so close to finishing school. While out visiting in the smoking area of the club, some skinny high-as-all-hell scenester kid decided it would be a greaaat idea to run down the stairs to the outside and projectile vomit all over my back. This was followed by some rather frustrating behavior from a certain individual that I'm not even going to get started on. We weren't on until one in the morning, and I had been there since 4pm setting up and rehearsing. The actual performance was the only fun part of the night. And once it was over I couldn't get anyone to drop my off at Sydney's house. Thanks to Laura I was at least able to make it to MY house, but not until almost 5 in the morning. Raves are stupid. I then proceeded to cry like a baby and pass out, only to find out I somehow knocked the battery out of my stupid Hello Kitty alarm clock, causing me to miss out on a day of fun and much needed wonderful company.

The icing on the cake is that I left my toolbox on the bus with ALL of my sewing equipment (hundreds of dollars worth) and hours upon hours worth of homework in it. That was Thursday and as of today Metro still hasn't found it, so I give up.

All in all though, I still feel optimistic. I feel like there are some really good changes ahead, and I can't wait to see what life and summer bring.

When all else fails, there's always matrix dinner fights.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You complete me~

Sooo I have been getting super stressed between school and money, and yesterday I almost had a panic attack just thinking too hard about it. I owe my school money, and I have to get work done on my teeth that's gonna cost me 200 bucks. But if I dont fix it soon it will just get worse and result in having to get a root canal or something which will REALLY cost me X_X I don't know what to do~~ Bah! And nobody wants to hire a part time chick with pink hair and no car.

But ANYWAY, I was stressing out hardcore, and I told myself to just breath and chill out. I bussed to Sydney's house just to get away from my surroundings and we drank tea and talked about boys and all that jazz. This morning I put on some bird and the bee and bussed to school feeling %100 better. Everything is gonna happen one way or another, and it's all gonna be cool.

I got some cool new pens at Daiso for a buck so I drew this on the bus~

Also a few weekends ago Sydney, Chad and I ran into a GIGANTIC wiener-mobile!!

OH I also have a morbid fascination with this person's weird ass drawings.

McD girl--Colored
by ~IamBBchick on deviantART

Friday, February 13, 2009

I said OOH girl...

So, amidst the crazy midterms I currently am getting bent over and intruded by, I still somehow found time to bleach my hair and have like a fifth of it break off to a couple inches, resulting in a really intense emergency haircut at my old work (Hair Club for Men). It's really embarrassing going into a high end 'salon' for the first time after quitting with the most ridiculous chemical haircut pleading for help.

RIP hair, I tried to grow you out for a couple years after my mohawk, but apparently you had other plans.

Tonight I am going to Hater's Ball, because it's at a skate park and because it's five dollars. <3>