It's the most curious thing I've ever seen in my life!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You complete me~

Sooo I have been getting super stressed between school and money, and yesterday I almost had a panic attack just thinking too hard about it. I owe my school money, and I have to get work done on my teeth that's gonna cost me 200 bucks. But if I dont fix it soon it will just get worse and result in having to get a root canal or something which will REALLY cost me X_X I don't know what to do~~ Bah! And nobody wants to hire a part time chick with pink hair and no car.

But ANYWAY, I was stressing out hardcore, and I told myself to just breath and chill out. I bussed to Sydney's house just to get away from my surroundings and we drank tea and talked about boys and all that jazz. This morning I put on some bird and the bee and bussed to school feeling %100 better. Everything is gonna happen one way or another, and it's all gonna be cool.

I got some cool new pens at Daiso for a buck so I drew this on the bus~

Also a few weekends ago Sydney, Chad and I ran into a GIGANTIC wiener-mobile!!

OH I also have a morbid fascination with this person's weird ass drawings.

McD girl--Colored
by ~IamBBchick on deviantART

1 comment:

Randall H. Sloot said...

I know how you feel being stressed out about having to pay for school, all I can say is that one way or another things will work out if you do your best not to let it phase you too much. Focus on the good things, (like those pens and your kick-face artwork) and the bad things will take care of themselves. Also take advantage of your friendships with cool people (Syd) to take your mind off things you cant control. BTW if I had a business I would totally hire you!
Keep doin' you Bekah!