Might as well start of a new year with a new journal. I just got the last of the rice out of my hair from our rice fight! I have a great feeling about this next year. I guess the only real promise or 'resolution' I've made to myself is to be true to myself and be more proactive about expressing myself through painting and sketching, on top of sewing. I'm psyched. I will be turning 21 in May, graduating at the end of the summer, and hopefully moving into a super-fantastic house with Sydney in the fall <3

We got this, girl. Freaks and geeks unite<3
I also want to make more of an effort to travel, even if it's just down to Olympia to see Suzye, Randy and Zucchero. I can't wait until I'm done with school and living on my own, as much as I absolutely adore my family. I just feel like it's wayyy time to do things on my own. I'm done with "my mom said I can't"s.
Buuut anyway, I think it's about time to cuddle up with Bandit and watch My Neighbor Totoro (again). Enjoy my last Saturday before I'm back to school...
Yaaay, your resolution to travel to olympia more is a fantastic one!
I'm proud of you for blogging!! it looks FANTASTIC babeh.
OH how did you get a pic on the bg of your playlist slut?
Hey Bekah,
now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
I look forward to more of your posts!
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