Sakura Con was pretty super, my pal Meescha has awesome parents who payed for our hotel room and foood, and we made super awesome props!
I have pictures of the first costume, pictures of the second one are still on their way...

I'll post the Eruka pictures when I get them.. :)
Other than Sakura Con, I have been up to things such as school.. which I am done with in August. This is going to make summer very stressful, but it will be worth it!!
Family matters have also been a big part of the past month.. both of my little brothers have disappeared. Phillip ditched rehab again and is back to doing heroin, and Ethan ran away, leaving a note about how he felt like he was "a fuck up and should leave to make everyone's life better".
Ethan I know will be back eventually, he's a smart kid and he's not into anything to extreme, but Phillip is starting to make me worry. I get calls from people I know saying that they see him here or there, looking fucked up and not so hot.. I just hope he can get the strength to stop before it kills him.
My grandma Sally died yesterday, to ice the cake a bit. I found out today when I got home. It makes me worry about my grandpa, she was what he lived for. :/ It's sad to see someone hurting so badly.
That aside, I have actually been having a good amount of fun. I still haven't found a job. Although it's stressful to be so broke it sure leaves time for things. I have gotten to go on adventures with Nick! We've gotten to eat a lot of yummy food, explore Pike Place market, infiltrate secret spots in Georgetown, make sushi at Golden Gardens, and explore back alleys, walk streets filled with mansions and the Japanese gardens by the arboretum.. I've also gotten to sleep a ton more than I usually do... :D Mm sleep.
Since Laura moved back from eastern Washington I have gotten to see a lot more of her as well <3
One thing that IS lacking in my life at the moment however...
Sydney Alexis Smith.

I miss you girl. <3
I miss you too girl. SO much.
you are too cute! miss you.
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